is a subsidiary of a Limited Liability Company registered in Albany, New York.
We can be reached most readily by email. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at:
trade_pip (at) yahoo (dot) com
Please give us between three and ten business days to respond.
Please note that if your question has anything to do with products that you have purchased through ads on our site, that we are not direct associates with the majority of them, as they may be third party advertisers and should be contacted directly.
If you wish to contact us regarding any copyright take down requests, please use the email address above as well as the process referenced in our TOS (link below), and note that we will usually remove any content as long as the proper credentials are provided. We will also consider removing any content that has inadvertently offended or caused distress to a party directly involved with the content, but we do not forfeit any rights at any time per our TOS.